Welcome to JSCraftCamp 2025! ✅

Our hashtag is #jscc25  find us on  mastodon  twitter / X

JSCraftCamp is ...

... a BarCamp / OpenSpace / Unconference event for JavaScript enthusiasts of all levels. BarCamps and OpenSpaces are participant-driven conferences where attendees create the schedule and lead discussions, making it a truly community-driven experience.

JSCraftCamp provides a platform for JavaScript enthusiasts to network and participate in workshops, similar to the SoCraTes conference.


27. & 28. June 2025

Registration will open on April 30th, 2025. That's in 41 days, 12 hours, 23 minutes and 32 seconds.


Thanks to codecentric AG, this year we'll be at the codecentric München office!

codecentric AG
August-Everding-Straße 20
81671 München
(Google Maps)

We're looking for sponsors!

Do you represent a company looking for talented developers? Want to support the JavaScript community? Take a look at our sponsoring page and find out about what items are still open and how your company can benefit from sponsoring. Or go directly to our GitHub Sponsorship Board and pick something.

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Friday schedule

JSCraftCamp 2025 will be facilitated by ... to be announced!

  1. 09:00 - 10:00 Doors open, breakfast
  2. 10:00 - 11:00 Opening and Marketplace
  3. 11:00 - 13:00 Two session slots
  4. 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
  5. 14:00 - 17:00 Three session slots
  6. 17:00 - 18:00 Review and Learnings
  7. 18:00 - 22:00 Pizza, board games, networking, party

Saturday schedule

If you did not attend the JSCraftCamp before and are only able to come on Saturday, please try to be there as early as possible. The orga team, facilitator and participants will help you understand the format better if you missed the Opening on Friday.

  1. 09:00 - 10:00 Doors open, breakfast
  2. 10:00 - 11:00 Marketplace
  3. 11:00 - 13:00 Two session slots
  4. 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
  5. 14:00 - 17:00 Three session slots
  6. 17:00 - 18:00 Review, Learnings and closing

A big thanks to our 2025 sponsors

codecentric AG
codecentric AG

Our partner conferences

Munich Frontend Developers
Munich Frontend Developers
(Date/Location to be announced)
(Date/Location to be announced)

What you can expect

abstract code


The focus of this BarCamp are JavaScript and related technologies. Possible topics are: Popular frameworks like Angular and React, the latest ECMAScript standard, languages like Elm or TypeScript which transpile to JavaScript, server-side programming with node.js, paradigms like event driven programming or future technologies like WebAssembly.


Crafting software

Have you ever struggled with an huge old JavaScript codebase? Or rolled your eyes about an 'undefined' is not a function error? We will discuss which tools, practices and architecture patterns - from continuous integration to modular components - can help to create and maintain long-living, evolvable JavaScript applications.



A barcamp - also called an unconference - is an event without any previously fixed agenda. All the participants meet in the morning and decide about the schedule for the day. Everyone can offer a session - from a short hands-on workshop to moderating a discussion. The goal is to make everything as participative as possible. Read more about BarCamp on Wikipedia.